One of the most favored luxury brands today is Prada. Established in 1913, its original and vintage design has been loved by many fashionistas (including me!) and celebs around the world. However, due to its popularity, more manufacturers are now producing Prada replicas that look eerily similar to the real one.
The Louis Vuitton Neverfull handbag is one of the most in-demand styles of the luxury brand ever since its release in 2007. I love its design because of its classic and timeless look—a bag that truly never goes out of style. However, because of its popularity, a lot of Louis Vuitton replicas have been produced for the people who can’t afford the price of the original LV Neverfull.
Nowadays, there are a lot of fake luxury handbags that cost about more than 20,000 pesos. These high-end or super fakes are spreading wide across the online market. As a result, many people and even local celebrities are buying these expensive replicas.
The counterfeiting of the designer brand Prada is truly becoming more and more marketable today. So to guide you, I asked for the owner’s permission to share with you the details of a fake Prada BT0779 in order to show you the differences it has from the real deal.
In today’s market, you can buy a Louis Vuitton bag virtually anywhere–from small physical boutiques to online social media platforms. However, I should warn you there are a lot of replicas that look like a real Louis Vuitton bag.