However, I should warn you there are a lot of replicas that look like a real Louis Vuitton bag. Many of these fake bags are hard to differentiate from the genuine one, especially when you’re buying from an online store. As a result, you end up wasting a considerable amount of money on a counterfeit.
Fortunately, there are several ways you can identify the difference between authentic and fake handbags. To guide you, here’s how you can tell a fake Louis Vuitton from the real deal with the Speedy Bandouliere as an example.
6 Differences Between Real and Fake Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere
1. Stitches
One of the first things you should check is the stitches of the bag.
When I looked at the genuine LV speedy bandouliere’s front part, the handle has four stitches at the side, five at the top and five at the slanted part. Meanwhile, the fake one has five stitches all around, including the side. This is already the wrong number of stitches which means it’s a counterfeit.
Other dead giveaways that your Louis Vuitton is a replica are poor quality and uneven stitching.
Tip: If you’re buying from an online seller, ask for close-up pictures of the bag and look out for its stitching details.
2. Engraving
At the side of the authentic speedy bandouliere, the engraving of the bag’s size should be hidden underneath the long-strap buckle. On the other hand, the fake Louis Vuitton already shows the sizing of the bag at the side of the top.
This is fairly easy to spot so beware of counterfeit bags out in the market.
3. Bag Sealant
It’s a must to look for the sealant of your Louis Vuitton handbags as this specific detail is also very obvious to spot.
In LV’s monogram leather bags, the sealant of the handles are neatly painted in dark red. In contrast, fake speedy bandoulieres have bright red seals that are often glued in a messy way.
4. Date Code
All Louis Vuitton bags come with a date code to identify where and when it was made. I always check out this detail to make sure I’m buying an authentic bag.
A real LV bag’s date code is comprised of six characters–the first two are letters while the last four are numbers. The fake one has a completely different date code as it has seven characters, with three letters and four numbers.
Furthermore, the font style and size used can be an evident way in which you can tell a genuine bag from a fake Louis Vuitton.
Did You Know? Louis Vuitton products made prior to the early 1980s do not have date codes.
5. Buckle
Oftentimes, fake Louis Vuitton bags try too hard to imitate a genuine one that they engrave the LV logo at the buckle or chain. The original LV bags do not have any logo etched on the hardware.
In addition, bags that have rounded buckles are fake because real LV bags have the signature “D-shaped” ring.
6. Long Strap
The real Louis Vuitton speedy bandouliere’s long strap is significantly thicker in width than the counterfeit. And like the handles, the sealant of the fake long strap is also bright red in color compared to the authentic’s dark red.
Furthermore, the quality of the engraved LV logo is one of the tell-tale signs you should look out for when differentiating a real from a fake. Counterfeit bags have poor-quality engraving while genuine bags have clear-cut letters.
It’s easy to be fooled by fake bags because they look very similar to a genuine one. Fortunately, with these essential tips and tricks, you can easily tell a fake Louis Vuitton bag from the real deal.
Watch my video here to learn more!
Are you interested in purchasing genuine Louis Vuitton bags? Check out my store, Mommy Micah. I’m an authentic luxury bag seller on Instagram who offer all kinds of luxury items from brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and more. Shop my available products now!
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